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And I Thought I Read A Lot of Books in 2008!

Aaron Swartz knocked out exactly 100.

Matt Biddulph beat that book total by 4.

I did a measly old 30. According to the National Endowment for the Arts, I’m way ahead of at least 43% of adult Americans. I’d be willing to up that quite a bit since a book per 2 weeks is a solid if not spectacular clip. I haven’t read the report closely, so the numbers might be skewed given the NEA’s emphasis on literary reading. Still averaging 2 books per week entails some serious dedication. And those guys weren’t doing a lot of light reading.There’s some seriously hard sledding in their selections. Not to mention the fact that they’re both pretty creative folks to boot.

However, all three of us did read Watchmen this year!! I know the movie’s building anticipation, but I’m glad people are revisiting Moore and Gibbons’ classic.

And finally, this was a test of using Markdown to author a post. I think I’m liking it.

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