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Safari +1/-1

Safari Logo.jpg So I’m still flirting with Safari. Like Robert Palmer, I find some shin bumping occurring during the transition. I’m still liking the scriptability and the overall speed.

Firefox’s AwesomBar is mildly missed. Didn’t think it would make that much of a difference, but it’s noticeable.

I’m much more irritated by the fact that Safari doesn’t support multiple rows of tabs, and collapses the rightmost ones into a menu. This leads to some disconcerting behavior for those of us who like to open and keep open a lot of tabs. Even though Safari is opening new links from apps in another tab, it looks like the rightmost one is being replaced. One is also never quite sure if there’s already a tab open for that link you’re considering looking at.

Not bailing on Safari yet, but I need to find a workaround or new workflow to deal with this limitation.

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