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Ian McEwan’s “Solar”

Solar Cover.jpg Now this is the kind of content I really enjoy from io9. A nice, in-depth review, by Charlie Jane Anders, of Ian McEwan’s book Solar. Solar, a tale of a physics anti-hero that’s part speculative fiction, part satire, and from a literary star seems right up my alley, cf. Margaret Atwood.

The problem for me is that Solar is currently only available in hardback. I’m really avoiding those editions these days due to the bulk. No, I don’t have or lust for a Kindle or iPad. I’ll be waiting for a trade paperback version, which we might never get here in the US.

P. S. I wish Anders could spend more time on book reviews, as opposed to all the other electronic media related posts she generates. At least that ill-fated writing advice theme bit the dust. Too inside baseball.

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