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Gruml RSS Reader

Gruml Reader Logo.png

As an ardent feed reader fan, I’m always on the lookout for new reading software. Via LifeHacker I heard about Gruml, a new reader that is specifically aimed to be a desktop adjunct to Google Reader. Since I love Google Reader this looks very interesting.

Now of course on the Mac it’s going to be difficult to pry NetNewsWire out of my hands, but there is one potential chink. I really love Google Reader’s keyboard navigation, j/k/n/p for navigating items and their shift equivalents for traversing feeds/groups, is brilliant. If there’s one thing that truly bugs me about NetNewsWire is that once you’re in an item, I haven’t found a keyboard gesture to get back to item/feed navigation. Also, in NetNewsWire while the arrow keys are equivalent to j/k/n/p on my MacBook they take my fingers away from the home row. Just a touch of friction that slows me down.

So I’ll give Gruml a try on a tertiary Google Reader account, and see how it goes.

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