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The sky above the port…

Neuromancer Cover.jpg …was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.

According to MetaFilter, today is Neuromancer‘s birthday. Still love this book and think it holds up well after 26 years.

I’m tempted to get a new MetaFilter account just to smack the MeFites who are calling Neuromancer irrelevant and overtaken by the passage of time. If you move past the computing tropes that Gibson created (jacking in, cyberspace, hacking runs) and focus on the hyper-globalization (instantaneous travel anywhere on the globe and even off of it, swirling merge of ethnicities and cultures), the personification of massive wealth (corporate and family), and media hacking as a weapon (remember that “terrorist” attack on SenseNet?) it’s still pretty damn relevant.

Frankly, Gibson got a lot more of the shape of our current world right than wrong.

But here, I am definitely a fanboy.

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