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Touch Social Browsing

TweetDeck iPhon Logo.png My iPod Touch is definitely having an impact on my personal social media browsing. I don’t update often, but I follow a few folks on Twitter and Facebook. I used to do that from my laptop. Twitter using the Twitter desktop app, nee Tweetie. Facebook I’d login to over the Web. Now I exclusively check both sites from iPod Touch using TweetDeck. Fast, efficient, and low stress.

Checking these sites from the desktop now seems weird. And I only do it when I have some casual time to pick up the Touch, not out of some sense of obligation.

I have the iPhone apps for both Twitter and Facebook. The former doesn’t display some logo thumbnail pics correctly. The latter does some things better than TweetDeck, but not enough to overcome the convenience of having one goto app.

Again, just another observation of how quickly some habits can be changed, given a distinctive enough technological leap.

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