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The New Lion

OS X Lion So I spent a scorching afternoon upgrading my MacBook to OS X Lion. So far, so good, no major issues. The new scrolling is a bit disconcerting, but it shouldn’t take long to adapt.

Besides the reverse scrolling behavior, the only obvious changes are the addition of Launchpad and Mission Control. I’m not sure how much use I’ll get out of those, as my Dock situation is pretty solid and I also like to use LaunchBar. But they look purdy!

To get the most out of the new OS, I’m going to have dig into Lion backgrounders like Glenn Fleishman’s overview at TidBITs or of course John Siracusa’s gargantuan review. Probably the Kindle edition.

Unfortunately, things just seem a bit pokier in terms of performance. Hoping it’s just some behinds the scene OS housekeeping burn-in.

Apropos Elle Driver. I’ve always liked that word… “gargantuan”… so rarely have an opportunity to use it in a sentence.

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