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Django API Frameworks

Daniel Greenfeld compares and contrasts Django toolkits for creating REST APIs. I’m interested in other perspectives on this topic as I’ve talked about tastypie before and actually put it in practice at work.

On site comments for the post and over at HackerNews are useful as well. In particular, I have to agree with a few folks that tastypie is pretty good for fairly standard Django models, but gets a little tricky for non-ORM or search based resources. In particular, dealing with object dehydration and response URIs was a bit opaque. I may be hallucinating, but when I first got started with tastypie, this documentation node on the request/response cycle didn’t exist. Maybe it’ll clear up my confusion.

I’d still recommend tastypie, but for advanced uses prepare to spend some time digging into module source code and doing a lot of experimentation to get the right results. As you’d expect!

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