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Onward Adrian

In my past life, I had a somewhat unnatural, and prescient if I do say so myself, interest in the intersection of technology and journalism. I would even hang out with ink stained wretches on a routine basis and help train up a few on that ’thar new bloggin’ thang.

I had enough pull to get invitations extended to various people doing cool things at the Lawrence Journal-World in Manhattan, Kansas. This included one Adrian Holovaty, principal instigator of the Django web development platform, née content management system. Of course when he came to Northwestern I enjoyed having a needy nerdy chat. Curse you autocorrect!

We never got synch up on any interesting projects, but he went on to do some nice work with The Washington Post and launch the highly impactful EveryBlock. Now Adrian’s moving on to pastures TBD. EveryBlock and Django, not bad for a developer’s career and I’m sure he’s got plenty left in the tank.

Good luck buddy!

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