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Kids Don’t Do This

A lot of my data hacking involves mugging over multiples of biggish files stashed in a standard UNIX filesystem. On any UNIXen worth its salt, the find and xargs utilities are your friends here. Use ’em.

But don’t make the same mistake that’s been biting me in the rear recently, embedding invocations of these tools within my programs. So tempting, especially in languages like Python that make shell invocation so easy, even though Python has the nice os.walk module. Works great until you move to another system and one or the other of find or xargs doesn’t work the way you assumed. Now you have to extract the calls and use the language’s built in filesystem walking capabilities or provide a command line option to specify the specific tool binaries if you build local custom versions.

Instead devise your program to read filenames from its command line args. Bonus points if you have an option to read from stdin. Then wrap find and xargs around your program. And if in a specific situation your args to either utility get too hairy, stuff the invocation into a shell script.

You’ll thank me in the long run.

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