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Earlier, I complained about the cost of purchasing hosted PostGIS. An alternative? Run your own damned installation. If you’ve got a relatively small amount of data, 10s of Gbs, you can straightforwardly do this on a Virtual Private Server. 100s of Gbs approaching Tbs and things get really expensive. VPSes just weren’t designed for gobs of virtualized storage, except maybe for Amazon and even there you run into fun with EBS if you want durability.

There is hope with a dedicated server, which are generally for the pros. Still a bit expensive for us knowledgeable amateurs. But XLHost, out of Columbus, Ohio, seems to have a few discount products within reach for those somewhat serious about stashing a large pile of bits. I’m not going to claim it’s cheap, but an industrious hacker with some disposable income could make a go of it.

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