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Marco & The Jambox

When I was in the AT & T store ordering my new phone, I saw an actual Jambox (affiliate link warning) for real. Looked much smaller than I thought, but I wondered if it was any good.

Marco Arment has an answer:

The original Jambox, while it’s a delightful product otherwise, has two major flaws for this use. It vibrates so much with bassy songs at high volumes that it can easily vibrate itself off the edge of whatever it’s sitting on. (Fortunately, it’s also very durable.) And while it’s impressively loud for its size, it can’t get loud enough for spoken podcasts to be heard consistently clearly in a noisy shower. …

I can also recommend the original Jambox, but with hesitation: it’s only the better choice if the price difference or portability are most important to you.

For my particular use cases, that’s actually a pretty good endorsement.

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