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Emacs For Python

Python logo Emacs-for-python is a new toolkit/package/collection of Python Emacs-lisp. Purports to have an in-development mode for virtualenvs, which the world really needs and deserves:

I’m collecting and customizing the perfect environment for python developement, using the most beautiful emacs customization to obtain a really modern and exciting (yet stable) way to edit text files.

In the package are included also a lot of other packages and configurations, it’s an upstart for clean emacs installations, these configuration however are very similar to emacs-starter-kit and I suggest you to give it a try, emacs-for-python is designed to work with it (instruction below).

© 2008-2024 C. Ross Jam. Built using Pelican. Theme based upon Giulio Fidente’s original svbhack, and slightly modified by crossjam.