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American Flagg! Back In Print

americanflagg1.jpg Yipee!! Over at io9, Graeme McMillan reports that an American Flagg! collection is back in print in the US.

American Flagg! was the under-appreciated older sibling of Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns in the mature theme family of 1980’s comics. Flagg! probably drew less subsequent attention because it didn’t have superheroes as its foundation. Howard Chaykin, the author and early illustrator, forged an astounding mix of cultural satire, political sendup, and science fiction. Not to mention some of the most distinctive art of the times.

Apparently Paul Verhoven (what’s he up to these days?) was going to make a feature film based upon American Flagg!, but it never got done. Given the current times, and available computer generated image capabilities, this would seem like a great project for The Wachowski Brothers, Quentin Tarantino, or Robert Rodriguez.

Anyway, it’s just good to have old Rueben back on the shelves. Amazon is making available two trade paperbacks, which seem to overlap on issues. But Dynamite Entertainment has a nice looking hardcover collection of American Flagg!, which I think is what McMillan was referring to.

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