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MacOS 10.5.8, WiFi, and Battery Power

About This Mac Snap.png Apparently I ran afoul of a nasty little bug in the latest MacOS update. Whenever, I would be on battery power, I would essentially lose all WiFi throughput. I could literally see this in the middle of a ping if I disconnected the power cable. Sort of kills mobility.

Haven’t seen a complete diagnosis of the problem, but I’m link parking an Apple Support discussion that had a proposed solution. Reverting a couple of system extension files seems to have done the trick for me. Fingers crossed. Gotta believe Apple is gonna rush a patch for this one though, since this one will really irritate a number of laptop users.

In case anyone is paying close attention, yup I backdated this puppy by a few minutes. What can I say, I felt like I hit the publish button on August 8th. If you’re into personal streaks, you’ll understand.

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