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Choosy Quick Reax

Choosy Logo.png The Safari, Firefox, and Chrome web browsers are always open on my Macbook. I sort of compartmentalize activities across the three of them, with Safari being my main browser. Transferring URLs amongst the browsers was sort of painful, so I decided to give Choosy a try. Choosy hooks into the system wide URL opening facility and lets you select a browser to handle a URL.

Choosy wasn’t quite what I expected. It’s more of a helper for non-browser apps that occasionally have to open URLs as opposed to redirecting URLs within browsers. My bad. To get Choosy in-browser you have to install extensions for each individual browser. Currently there are only extensions for Safari and Firefox, and the Firefox one only works up to version 3.5. There’s also a bookmarklet that works across browsers and will send the currently viewed URL to Choosy.

Still, Choosy looks quit configurable so while I’m still under the trial license, I’ll see if I can’t make it fit my style.

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