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Cinder, C++ Creative Coding

Cinder Logo.png Frankly, I was thinking there would never by anything that would ever draw me back into C++ programming. Java is about as far as I’m willing to descend into systems level programming these days.

The Barbarian Group’s Cinder is actually tempting enough to make me reconsider. Cinder is a C++ framework for creative coding, ala processing. From the project’s About page:

CINDER PROVIDES A POWERFUL, INTUITIVE TOOLBOX for programming graphics, audio, video, networking, image processing and computational geometry. Cinder is cross-platform, and in general the exact same code works under Mac OS X, Windows and a growing list of other platforms — most recently the iPhone and iPad.

CreativeApplications.net also has a good summary of Cinder’s capabilities, with a nice gallery of sample projects.

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