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More HTC Evo Stuff

Sprint HTC Evo.jpg A couple of reviews are out on the leader for my next phone. Walter Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal likes the Evo, can’t get the top advertised bandwidth even in Baltimore where it’s been out for a while, and he’s really down on the battery life when using 4G. However, and this is a big however for me, he lets on that Sprint really is working to get 4G rolled out in the DC area. The 4G performance is also much better than 3G typically. More evidence in the Evo’s favor.

The Engadget review swoons over the tech specs and adores the phone in general. They drill in to the tech details a little more than Mossberg. In combination, you get a pretty good idea of how the phone can do for power user and for average users.

Still not digging the monthly fee, but coming to grips with the fact of $110 being the going rate for the bag of features I want. With any luck, there’ll be an iPhone announcement in June for comparison.

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