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Tor Feeds the Readers

Tor Logo.gif The science fiction publisher Tor is running a special of sorts. As an experiment in supplying content for various e-readers, they’re making a bunch of previously posted short stories available for 99 cents. Authors include John Scalzi and Charles Stross, two of my favorites, along with Elizabeth Bear and Steven Gould, two I need to check out.

It might seem stupid to pay for content that’s already been freely posted and is still available on the Web. But I figure it’s worth five bucks to to test drive e-books on my iPod touch, buy at a price that works for me, and support the authors. Also, gives me a chance to try out the iBooks and Amazon stores.

Current score, Apple 1, Amazon 0. I can pre-order the short stories from iBooks whereas the Kindle store is showing neither hide nor hair.

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