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Zero HIstory in Hand

Zero History Penguin Cover.jpg So I now have in my hot little hands a copy of William Gibson’s just released book Zero History

Although not the greatest video, here’s a taste of what Zero History is about:

I’ve said before that I’m in the tank for Gibson. Right now he’s the only author I pick up in hardback (modulo Chaykin of course, but that’s a special circumstance). This may be the last hardcover I buy ever. One, while I like the Pattern Recognition series, I don’t like near future style enough to keep purchasing hardbacks. If Gibson keeps up in this vein, I’ll probably start waiting for the paperback editions.

And two, by the time he completes his next book I’ll probably be well into e-books.

Speaking of Pattern Recognition, I haven’t read it in a while. Spook Country came out over three years ago. So I think I’ll read the whole set as a trilogy to get the full thematic impact.

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