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Revisiting Prismatic

Previously, Prismatic was pretty low on the Yet Another Place To Find News depth chart. Feeds are Number 1, Twitter is Number 2, Hacker News 3, a few sub-Reddits 4, and nothing else really mattered.

However I’m getting disillusioned with Hacker News and need a break. Not enough good, core tech nuggets, and too much aspirational and political content reaching the front page. And I also trawl the new submission page but that’s pretty hit or miss.

So I’m going to provisionally bump Prismatic up to the three hole, and try to replace my Hacker a news with it. I think Prismatic’s link saving/stashing mechanism has greatly improved since my last serious usage, so maybe it’ll feel much more useful

Update Forgot about one reason I stopped using Prismatic regularly. Whatever JavaScript Fu it’s doing, Prismatic routinely crashes Safari on my iPad. Downer.

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