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Python and vSphere

Link parkin’: Patrick Dunnigan kicks the tires on a number of Python modules that encapsulate the VMWare vSphere API.

I recently had the need to manage VMware vSphere from Python code so I went about looking for examples and open source libraries. The vCenter management server has a SOAP web service that exposes most (if not all) of the administrative capabilities that you can perform on vSphere. At first thought, this seemed like a simple endeavor. However once I got into it I found it not as simple as interacting with a RESTful web service.

Next I went searching for Python client libraries for the vSphere SOAP web service.

Here is a summary of what I found:

Thanks Patrick, ’cuz I’m about to have a close encounter with VMWare’s vSphere. Not looking forward to a reintroduction to SOAP though. Hope these libraries really hide the hurt.

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